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Change Log

Version 2.0.1 / 2024-10-07

  • Add license to PreferenceUtil.kt
  • Fix crash "IllegalStateException: Recursive update" on Coroutines library (#23)
  • Deprecates getObjectNonNull() function (#24)
  • Correct the exception message when incorrect sharedprefereces is listened to (#26)
  • Add in docs and website for Rx-Preferences (#25)
  • Deprecates RxSharedPreferences.getObjectNonNull() in favor of RxSharedPreferences.getObject()

Version 2.0.0 / 2024-09-30

  • Breaking Change release
  • Use extension functions for Rx libraries
  • This removes the uses of the various *SharedPreference classes, and provides a single RxSharedPreferences class
  • This also removes the various *Preference classes in favor of a single Preference class
  • All reactive frameworks are now accessible as extension functions against the Preference class.
    • Java will have util classes to provide the access to extension functions
  • Update CI to build against latest android images
  • Update several dependencies
  • Remove deprecated APIs from rx-sharedpreferences
  • Add in utility to convert Preference<T> to Preference<Optional<T>> for reactive frameworks that don't allow null.

Version 1.1.0 / 2023-10-03

  • Update dependencies
  • Move to compile sdk 34
  • Use vanniktech for maven publishing
  • Update CI script so that publishing occurs via CI now
  • Remove build health checks from CI (for now)

Version 1.0.0 - ALL / 2023-03-27

=== Migration to com.frybits.rx.preferences ===

Version 2.0.1 (18-09-2020)

Promotes 2.0.1-beta1 to a stable release.

Version 2.0.1-beta1 (15-04-2020)

  • Fix: Improve handling for null values stored in preferences.

  • Improvement: Update dependencies and tools.

Version 2.0.0 (22-04-2018)

Promotes 2.0.0-RC3 to a stable release. If you are migrating from v1, please refer to the changelog for earlier RC versions to see what has changed.

Version 2.0.0-RC3 (13-08-2017)

  • New: Add ability to clear preferences via RxSharedPreferences.

  • Fix: The default value for RxSharedPreferences#getObject may not be null, but was incorrectly annotated as @Nullable. This corrects the annotation to @NonNull.

Version 2.0.0-RC2 (27-04-2017)

This release includes multiple breaking changes.

  • New: Replace Adapter with Converter. A Converter is a simpler interface that only deals with serialization, and abstracts away the complexity of working with SharedPreferences or SharedPreferences.Editor.
 * Converts instances of {@code T} to be stored and retrieved as Strings in {@link
 * SharedPreferences}.
interface Converter<T> {
   * Deserialize to an instance of {@code T}. The input is retrieved from {@link
   * SharedPreferences#getString(String, String)}.
  @NonNull T deserialize(@NonNull String serialized);

   * Serialize the {@code value} to a String. The result will be used with {@link
   * SharedPreferences.Editor#putString(String, String)}.
  @NonNull String serialize(@NonNull T value);
  • New: Disallow null values from being emitted by the Preference observable. Specifically RxSharedPreferences#getEnum and RxSharedPreferences#getObject do not allow null values to be used as a default value.

  • New: Make Preference#set only accept non null values. Trying to call set with a null value will now throw an exception.

  • New: Make the Set<String> returned by RxSharedPreferences#getStringSet unmodifiable.

  • Improvement: Use @RequiresApi instead of @TargetApi.

Version 2.0.0-RC1 (25-12-2016)

rx-preferences has been updated to support RxJava 2.0. The Preference type is now an interface, but the core itself is mostly unchanged. 2.0.0-RC1 does not handle backpressure yet.

Because the release includes breaking API changes, we're changing the project's package name from com.f2prateek.rx.preferences to com.f2prateek.rx.preferences2. The maven group has also changed to com.f2prateek.rx.preferences2. This should make it possible for large applications and libraries to migrate incrementally.

Version 1.0.2 (15-06-2016)

  • Remove custom backpressure support in favor of RxJava 1.1's built-in buffer latest.

Version 1.0.1 (28-10-2015)

Version 1.0.0 (23-08-2015)

Initial release.